

SAMAYIK (SAAMAIYA in prakrit) is the principal concept of Jainism. It is the first and foremost duty among six essential duties of a monk as well as of a householder.

The word Samayik is related to word ‘Samay’-time. Lord Mahavir uses word samay for Atma. Samayik means, for that much time to remain in Atma which is very rich with joy. This way our chetana or conscious stabilizes in time (i.e. kaal)-only present time, here past and future both are absorbed. Past is memory and future is imagination. When conscious gets stabilize in present time, it starts fading kashayas; and this is state of samayik.

In simple word Samayik is a religious practice in which we try to come close to our soul. It is a practice through which are can attain equanimity (mental calmness. a state of stability).


Importance of Samayik

Spiritually, time spent in equanimity is the only successful time, and all other times are wasted. No one has attained Moksha , no one is attaining Moksha, and no one will attain Moksha without the practice of Sämäyik. One has to practice Sämäyik to attain right perception, right knowledge and right conduct.

Putting it simply, samayik is an achievement of being perfect for certain period of time; where one becomes kashaya-free, remains in supreme peace and stabilizes in infinite richness of soul. This can not be achieved in one few attempts. It requires practice.


It’s not a Ceremony

It is not a ceremony. We don’t have to do samayik but we have to be in samayik. In shuddha- samayik one need not to do anything like dhyan, jap, reading etc. For short time, stop all the activities of mind, speech and body (yoga) and experience the internal peace, light happiness this explains why King Shrenik could not buy samayik from Puniya shravak.

Code of Conduct

Jain monks and nuns are supposed to be in the state of equanimity (Sämäyik) through out their life. Good Shrävaks5 practice Sämäyik everyday. There is a great detail on the subject of Sämäyik in the Jain canonical books. One should try to practice at least one Sämäyik a day, if not more. Time spent in Sämäyik is time spent as a Sädhu.

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